Master 1 Informatique

M1 news

This page contains the latest news on the first year for both the M1 Informatique and M1 Intelligence Artificielle programs.

TO DO before the start of the lectures

All students have to choose their optional courses for the first semester before the start of the lectures!

  • The number of places for each cours is limited and based on a first come first served policy.

  • Each student has to carefully study the syllabus of the courses and the schedule below (to check which are the courses that happen in parallel).

  • Students of the M1 Informatique have to choose between 8 and 10 courses.

  • Students of the M1 Informatique parcours Intelligence Artificielle have to choose between 4 and 6 courses.

If you have questions on the courses:

  • in the syllabus you have the contact email of the professor giving the cours,
  • ask your question on our Discord channel.

Academic calendar

The academic calendar describes the weeks of lectures/holidays and exams for both full time and apprentices students. Generally:

  • for full time-students : lectures take place from Monday to Friday;
  • for apprentices : lectures take place from Monday to Wednesday and Thursdays and Fridays are devoted to the company.

Exceptionally, some lectures can take place with a different schedule than the one described above.


  • Lectures take place on the campus SophiaTech Site Lucioles (if not marked differently on the schedule):
    • in the morning from 9:00 to 13h00 and
    • in the afternoon from 14h30 à 18h30.

The schedule for lectures and exams is available below.

Agenda and timetable

In the calendar below you can find events and the schedule of your lectures: It could be necessary to refresh the page or clean the cache to see the last version (Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + Maj + R for Firefox)

Courses rooms are noted here.

Choose Promotions on top of the page and then in the Année field select M1 Informatique.