Introduction to cryptography and security
5 weeks, 2 ECTS
Bruno Martin
This lecture proposes a short introduction to cryptography and its application to network security.
Present network security from two different points of view. On one hand from the ‘defender’ point of view and on another hand from the ‘adversary’ point of view.
- Nov.20. Introduction to security and threats and the exercises TD1
- Nov.21. Cryptography I and the exercises TD2
- Nov.27. Cryptography II and the exercises TD3
- Nov.28. Hash functions, certification, protocols the lab TD4 and its files
- Dec.4. How hackers do it; how to protect and the lab TD4 cont’d))
- undergraduate mathematics
- computer networking
- One lab report, 1/3 of the final mark due dec. 5 noon
- Dec.11, 13h30-15h: One written final examination (1h30, openbook), 2/3 of the final mark
Previous Exam
- B. Martin, Codage, cryptologie et applications, PPUR, 2004
- A. Noordergraaf, How hackers do it, Sun Blueprints, 2002
- D. Salomon, Foundations of Computer Security, Springer, 2006
- W. Stallings, Cryptography and network security, Prentice Hall, 2006
- FreeBSD Handbook, chapter 14, Security
- Guide to the Secure Configuration of RH Enterprise Linux 5
- Linux security HOWTO
Electronic resources
- Slides of the book “Understanding cryptography” by C. Paar and J. Pelzl, Springer.
- video J. Stern’s talk at colloquium J. Morgenstern
- video of J. Stern’s talk at l’Université de tous les savoirs
- video of Shamir and Adleman for the Turing award in 2002
- introduction to crypto in video
- Diffie and Hellman recipients of the Turing Award 2015